Directorate of Innovation and Science Techno Park

Operation and maintenance plans for activities are contained so that there is a guarantee that project activities can run according to their function, and this includes regulation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation, so that the activities that have been implemented Plans can be achieved in accordance with the expected outcomes. Activities in the STP UI program will be carried out over a 5 year period, namely 2023-2027 with measurable output targets. To achieve these targets or output targets, it is necessary to prepare plans every year in accordance with the performance targets to be achieved. Proposed planning for the STP UI work program in the form of an Annual Budget Activity Plan (RKAT) will be submitted by each division unit to the STP Director. After the RKAT is approved, STP UI prepares it in the form of an Activity Reference Framework (KAK). The TOR document will contain several components, including background, objectives, scope of activities, and budget plan (RAB). The STP UI program will continue to run and develop after the PHLN program is completed. For this reason, continuous maintenance and development of activities is needed. In principle, STP UI operations after the PHLN program will run according to the system that is already running at UI. The difference in STP UI operations after the PHLN program is the source of maintenance for maintenance activities. Funds will be provided through funding sources from income generation obtained by STP UI. Potential sources of STP UI income can come from STP UI services, including IP services, royalties, laboratory/teaching factory/room rentals, and collaboration products.


Goals of STP UI

The University of Indonesia's Science Techno Park (STP) was established with the aim of developing and utilizing science and technology to promote economic growth with the following development goals:

The realization of the synergy of functions and roles of academia, business, and government
The provision of a conducive environment for ongoing development activities and sustainable technology business
Growth and development of Technology Based Startup Companies (PPBT)
The creation of a new company which is the result of a Spin-Off
Availability of technology services to support industrial competitiveness

Vision and Mission STP UI

Baik DISTP UI telah menjalankan peran dan fungsi Science Techno Park untuk merumuskan kebijakan dalam mengembangkan inovasi, pengelolaan inkubator bisnis, memproses hak atas kekayaan intelektual yang secara tidak langsung juga menjalankan fungsi sebagai Lembaga Alih Teknologi. STP-UI memiliki visi untuk “menjadi pelopor hilirisasi inovasi teknologi terdepan di Indonesia. Visi ini oleh UI dicapai dengan 4 (empat) misi, yaitu:


Enhance the latest applied research that is oriented towards increasing the competitiveness of the national industry

Enhance the latest applied research that is oriented towards increasing the competitiveness of the national industry


Strengthen STP-UI facilities and infrastructure that are oriented towards fulfilling service quality standards.

Strengthen STP-UI facilities and infrastructure that are oriented towards fulfilling service quality standards.


Organizing technical services, technology development, and commercialization of research results oriented towards service effectiveness and cost efficiency

Organizing technical services, technology development, and commercialization of research results oriented towards service effectiveness and cost efficiency


Strengthening partnership networks with tenants and stakeholders with a mutualistic orientation in working together

Strengthening partnership networks with tenants and stakeholders with a mutualistic orientation in working together

Team Profile

Ahmad Gamal, S.Ars., M.Si., M.U.P., Ph.D.

Director of Innovation and UI Science Techno Park

Teguh Iman Santoso, S.T., M.T

Head of Science Techno Park Sub-directorate

Prasandhya Astagiri Yusuf, S.Si, M.T, Ph.D

Head of Business Incubator Sub-directorate


Released Documents


Latest News

Kawasan Science and Technology Park UI Dapat Dukungan Asian Development Bank

Tags: Peningkatan Fasilitas Penelitian, Pengembangan dan Inovasi

Universitas Indonesia (UI) berkolaborasi dengan Asian Development Bank (ADB) untuk mendesain Proyek Penguatan Riset dan Inovasi melalui Kawasan Sains dan Teknologi yang Modern dan Efisien atau disebut juga Promoting Research and Innovation through Modern and Efficient Science and Technology Parks Project. Dalam proyek ini, UI terpilih menjadi satu dari empat kawasan sains dan teknologi (Science and Technology Park/STP) yang akan dibangun di Indonesia.


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